Luke Parkinson
Director – Haz-Ed Services

I started Haz-Ed Services in 2012 and have built the business with my small but growing team since then. I had often wondered whether I’m on the right path to success and if what I’m doing in business is what I should be doing. ‘I need some professional assistance/coaching/mentoring’ is what was going through my mind.
Enter – Stephen Kay. I first met Stephen, January 2019 and after our first meeting, I knew this is what I needed. Meeting with Stephen on a regular basis has assisted my business, but not only my business, my personal life also.
With Stephen’s help we have made some systematic changes to assist business efficiency and in turn growth. We have looked at strategies for further growth and that of the team.
I am really appreciative of what Stephen has helped with on a personal level to assist with change. This has had such an impact in ensuring my business is heading in the right direction moving forward.