Brian Davies
Managing Director – Bunbury Telecom Service Pty Ltd

I was in trouble and knew I needed help for some time as I was working hard and long hours and was going backward financially. I was at the point of what’s it all about and do I just give the game away. Steve come along and offered his services as a business coach but my thoughts were why do I need such a person as the business has been running for a long time, it was just not making money for the hours being put in. After speaking with one of his clients I decided something has to happen so let’s try.
Well I don’t know exactly what happened but since Steve has been helping us with all sorts of things and guidance we have gone from a minus return for a year to a profit of 20% every month since and a positive outlook to the future. He has lots of Ideas from working with other business and where we can improve. Steve keeps me on track of where I need to be and to keep progressing forward and planning for the future. He has opened my mind and how to progress forward in a positive manner at a pace that suits me.
I now have someone to talk to direct and privately about my business and any concerns that I may have, my goals and what we need to do to get there. This is the best thing I have ever done.